MODERN ELECTRONICS SCIENCE: the ability to track quickly on electronic equipment, especially the issue of what might and will happen to electronic circuit devices is the main thing, so understanding instrumentation equipment in electronics is mandatory because only the electronics field knows what components are and what they are electronics module. Instrumentation capability (measurement test and unit test) does contain an element of uncertainty, but this is necessary to localize damage in the instrument or the overall electronic system. Electronic circuit is a collection of components that are connected together to perform a certain electronic function. Each component plays a role in the operation of the circuit. if there is a problematic component both linearly and logarithmically, the circuit operation will drop drastically. problematic components show certain symptoms, these symptoms are used to determine the type of problem with components in electronic circuit devices. for more complicated circuits , especially circuits that use direct coupling , the effect of damage to components can spread , resulting in a collection of components with propagating damage symptoms . Electronic equipment in general is known as: 1. household electronic equipment, 2. control installation electronic equipment, 3. industrial electronic machine electronic equipment, 4. Communication Electronic Equipment (satellite, microwave, fiber optic, wireless), 5. Electronic Equipment military ( Gun , Avionics , Radar ) . , 6. Intelligent computer electronics equipment. All component systems and circuits in the six electronic circuit equipment above have millions of components in a series and form to make them more efficient and effective. there are many risks that affect the changes in the measuring test on the six electronic equipment above including: 1. high temperature in a continuous cycle, 2. vibration, 3. high voltage or spike, 4. working pressure and environmental pressure. the problems that arise can be in the form of partial problems (separate) and catastrophic problems (fatal problems). The world of electronics continues to expand into the server and cloud fields with Internet of things control, where problem solving will be more integrated using many electronic sensors and detectors. electronic machine tools are said to have a problem if any of the settings are outside the specified limits and the problem solving is through the functional work flow diagram of the electronic machine, namely the IPOT system (Input Process Output and Transfer work function); 1. Method of tracking from input to output, 2. Method of tracking output to input, 3. Method of tracking work function transfer.