The traditional motor controller circuit is to use an H-bridge. This is an electronic circuit with four open/close switches that alternate positive and negative voltages. By closing the high side and low side switches in a diagonal pattern, the motor rotates in one direction. The DC motor control circuit that is usually used is using the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) mode, namely using the IC 555. IC 555 mode to adjust the speed of DC motor rotation can be fast and slow, while to turn left and right turn the DC motor can be with the H-Bridge circuit as a control so it works as an electronic switch. In manual control systems, a potentiometer is usually used as input for human relations and electronic devices, while in automatic ones it can be connected to a microcontroller or sensors in a physical form as input. input voltage can be 5 to 12 V DC, output on DC motor. so both manual and automatic control in PWM mode have advantages and disadvantages, in manual control humans can control according to their taste, while in automatic we have to set it first.