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Dive into the vision
of today's leaders 

The Gilles Babinet Conversation

Gilles Babinet is a digital entrepreneur. He co-chaired multiple working groups for Institut Montaigne, such as French Youth: Online and Exposed (April 2020) and Big Data & Internet of Things: Making France a Champion for the Digital Revolution (Big data et objets connectés : Faire de la France un champion de la révolution numérique) (April 2015). He was also part of the task force for Digital and Higher Education: Connect yourselves! (Enseignement supérieur et numérique : connectez-vous !) (June 2017) and is the author of the study For a Digital New Deal (February 2013).


Gilles Babinet has set up numerous companies in diverse domains like consultancy (Absolut), construction (Escalada Industrie), mobile music (Musiwave) and co-creation (Eyeka). He was the first to chair the National Council on digital technology between April 2011 and April 2012. He is now its Co-president.


Gilles was named "Digital Champion" for the European Commission in June 2012 and was therefore the French representative to the European Commission on the issues of education and inclusion linked to digital technology.

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The Gilles Babinet Conversation
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Recorded in Fall 2021

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