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The Paul Leonardi Conversation
Paul Leonardi is a Duca Family Professor of Technology Management at UC Santa Barbara and a consultant to companies on the management of innovation.
His research, teaching, and consulting focus on helping companies to create and share knowledge more effectively. To do this, he examines on how implementing new technologies and harnessing the power of informal social networks can help companies take advantage of their knowledge assets to create innovative products and services.
Over the past decade, he has consulted regularly with companies on issues of digital transformation and organizational change. Recent engagements include work with Google, Microsoft, General Motors, Cisco, and YouTube.
He is a frequent speaker on topics of innovation, change management, leading remote and global teams, and market validation. In addition to speaking and consulting, he has published over 80 articles and chapters in peer-reviewed journals and management outlets, including the Harvard Business Review and the Sloan Management Review.
His latest book, The Digital Mindset: What it Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI, which will be published May 10, 2022, presents two decades worth of research into the skills that lead to performance and innovation in today’s workplace: available for pre-order now.